How to contact the Society

The Society's Social Media Activities
Harpenden Society on Facebook
Harpenden Society on Twitter
Please email the following committee members if you require further information about the Harpenden Society



Press Officer

Publicity Officer

Membership Secretary

Newsletter Editor


General enquiries should be sent to the Secretary

President Alison Steer President
Chairman Jeff Phillips Chairman
Vice Chairman Vacancy Vice Chairman
Secretary Bob Fletcher Secretary
Treasurer Harry Downie Treasurer
Working Group Leaders
Arts, Leisure & Entertainment Vacancy Arts
Community Safety Vacancy Public Order
Environmental Issues Vacancy Environment
Transport Karl Wingfield Transport
Health Ian Barrison Health
Education Vacancy Education
Built Environment John Lowe Planning
Economic Activity Ron Taylor Economics
Sports Vacancy Sports
Other Committee Members
Awards Ron Taylor Awards
Membership Secretary Paul Gloess Membership
Newsletter Editor Alan Bunting Editor
Publicity Officer Ron Taylor Publicity
Social Media Martyn Reed
Minutes of the 2024 Committee Meetings can be found here:

15 Jan 24

11 March 24

Minutes of the 2023 Committee Meetings can be found here:

16 Jan 23

13 March 23

15 May 23

10 July 23

18 Sept 23

13 Nov 23
Minutes of the 2022 Committee Meetings can be found here:

17 Jan 22

14 March 22

9 May 22

11 July 22

20 Sept 22

14 Nov 22
Minutes of the 2021 Committee Meetings can be found here:

18 Jan 21

15th March 21

10 May 21

12 July 21

20 Sept 21

15 Nov 21

Minutes of the 2020 Committee Meetings can be found here:

20 January 20

6 July 2020

21 Sept 2020

16 November 2020

Minutes of the 2019 Committee Meetings can be found here:

21 January  2019

18 March 2019

15 July 2019

16 Sept 2019

18 Nov 2019

Minutes of the 2018 Committee Meetings can be found here:

22 January 2018

19 March 2018

14 May 2018

16 July 2018

17 September 2018

19 November 2018

Minutes of the 2017 Committee Meetings can be found here:

23 January 2017

20 March 2017

8 May 2017

17 July 2017

18 September 2017

20 November 2017
Minutes of the 2016 meetings can be found here. For other minutes please contact the Secretary.

25 January 2016

21 March 2016

9 May 2016

4 July 2016

19 Sept 2016